Monday, August 30, 2010


Before Open Brain Surgery:

5 hours later:

Is the cancer growing back?

"I really could use a wish right now..."

On August 31th, Reginald Sr. will take another baby step towards his destiny. Another MRI. At 6:30a.m.

"Plain and simple, I wish the doctors will tell me the MRI results are negative. I can't keep going through this."

But with brain cancer, does he really have a choice?

"They increased my dosage of chemo and I'm already starting to lose hair again. I hope this is just stress (laughs)."

But behind that smile and laughs, is he crying? Or is he a soldier preparing for the worst?

Then again, has the worst already made its presence?

"The worst thing that the doctors can tell me is that...

...the cancer is growing back."

Reginald is constantly looking at the clock. Counting down the hours. Down to the final hour when he walks through the hallways of Henry Ford Hospital downtown Detroit.

Until then...

He has nothing. No wishes.

Just God.

Monday, August 2, 2010


The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
~Exodus 14:14

...perhaps God is fighting for Reggie.

"I can't even count how many times I prayed in that hospital bed."

While recovering, Reggie resided at Henry Ford Hospital downtown Detroit for an entire week.

7 days of pain.
7 days of agony.
7 days of questions.

7 days with God.

"I've seen that God was helping me out. He gave me another chance... (sighs) at life."


If there aren't any cures, how could anyone be so positive and strong-minded in the fight against the disease. It inevitably seems like the person's recovery and fate nestle inside the doctor's hands.

But it's not.

It's in God's hands. And He is pounding his fists for Reggie.

"Together, we will beat this. This disease does not control my life. God does. And I control my destiny."